The Wish Builder Programme – Chinese Medicine Mobile Game Design Course and Competition

In order to increase local young people’s understanding of the country’s traditional cultural industries and the digitalisation of traditional Chinese medicine, “The Wish Builder Programme – Chinese Medicine Mobile Game Design Course and Competition” sponsored by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation involved 40 students to study and produce Chinese medicine mobile games. They also joined a pitching competition to showcase their products on 1 November 2023.

「岐黃群俠傳 - 中醫藥手機遊戲設計課程暨提案決賽」
「岐黃群俠傳 - 中醫藥手機遊戲設計課程暨提案決賽」
「岐黃群俠傳 - 中醫藥手機遊戲設計課程暨提案決賽」
岐黃群俠傳 - 中醫藥手機遊戲設計課程暨提案決賽