
February 2, 2021

Hong Kong x Malaysia Youth Webinar

It is challenging to start or develop a business during the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of Hong Kong youths of start-ups might be interested in developing their businesses in the overseas market to increase revenue and expand the customer base. Apart from the popular Greater Bay Area market, where could be another option of starting a business outside Hong Kong? We are glad to invite representatives from Malaysia, respectively, Roger Tan, Councilor of Melaka Historic City Council, Tan Kar Yap, who works at HISTRONG Design in Malaysia, and Wong Kang Xian, lawyer in Malaysia, to introduce the Malaysian community, culture […]
January 6, 2021

Special Notice (Change of Office Address of The Secretariat)

The Secretariat has moved to the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Leadership Institute on January 4, 2021. The office address is updated as below: 302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, New Territories, Hong Kong In response to the continued threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Secretariat will continue to provide limited services until further notice in order to minimize the risk of infection for service users and staff, and to prevent the risk of the spread of the pandemic in the community. If service users have special needs, please call or email us to make an appointment. If you have […]
December 2, 2020

The Secretariat will provide limited services from 2 December

Due to the recent acceleration of the COVID-19 pandemic, to lower the risk of infection among service users and staff, as well as to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to the wider community, the Secretariat will provide limited services from 2 December until further notice. Please contact the Secretariat via phone or email if needed. For enquiries, please find Martin or Karen, staff of the Secretariat, on 2811 2779 during office hours. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We hope the pandemic will be over soon and please always maintain personal hygiene!
September 21, 2020

The Dragon Foundation x PH3: “uMusic Stage” live streaming music event

Everything has come to a halt during the pandemic. We have fewer chances to meet with friends, dine outside and take photos of good food. Some even do less exercise or prefer to stay at home all the time. In view of these, The Dragon Foundation joins hands with PH3 to bring energy and love to the city by inviting youth to play music. Even though it is hard to busk now, we create an indoor busking space at PH3 for the youth and we await your support to their uMusic stage! Live broadcasting platforms: The Dragon Foundation Youtube channel: […]
August 31, 2020

The Dragon Foundation x The HKFYG Organic Farm: “The Green Organic Herbs Workshop”

It may be safer to stay at home more during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this makes it more difficult for us to visit the nature. While combating COVID-19 together, you may be interested to join “The Green Organic Herbs Workshop” (綠色有機香草工作坊) co-organised by The Dragon Foundation and The HKFYG Organic Farm. The workshop will introduce different ways of growing herbs and different uses of herbs. It also includes an online DIY session to turn herbs into mosquito repellents! Date: 5 September 2020 (Saturday) Time: 15:00-16:30 Medium: Zoom (in Cantonese) Application: https://bit.ly/2Q7rKTI
June 19, 2020

“Dragons Love Dad” Online Event

As Father’s Day is approaching, we would like to invite Dragons to join an online gathering (20 June) about sharing the message of love and care with family members. It only takes around an hour (21:00-22:15) and you may participate the event at home! Reserve one hour of your time and feel free to invite your family members to join as well! Register in advance for the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIucuCgpjMoGNP2xuYbYhXqO4Y5rdsgD4cq
May 13, 2020

“Dragons Love Mom” Online Concert Archive

The Dragon Foundation has the “Dragons Love Mom” online concert on Mother’s Day at Peak Galleria. During the event, Dragons, different artists and athletes will spread the message of love by giving singing performances. Our guest performers include singers Lowell Lo, Joyce Cheng, “King of Busking” Judas Law, gymnast Angel Wong, karateka Jimmy Lee. They share their stories about how they spend time with their mom and spread positivity to Chinese worldwide. The Dragon Foundation YouTube Channel (youtube.com/TheDragonFoundation)
May 10, 2020

Dragons Love Mom online concert

(Available only in Chinese) 今天(10日)是母親節,防疫在家也可以孝順媽媽。龍傳基金假山頂廣場舉行《龍情顯母愛》網上直播音樂會,滙集多位本地歌手及運動員,以歌曲頌親恩,並希望大家可以放鬆心情、重拾笑容,共享天倫之樂。 歌手盧冠廷、鄭欣宜、「Busking王」羅凱鈴Judas、體操運動員黃曉盈、空手道運動員李嘉維落力演出,連同重劍運動員江旻憓一起分享與媽媽相處的點滴,並為對抗疫情的全球華人打氣。 龍傳基金董事及香港青年協會高級顧問王䓪鳴博士、音樂會籌委會委員及龍傳基金董事李麗娟、籌委會聯席主席及龍傳基金董事譚贛蘭、籌委會聯席主席吳守基、龍傳基金董事及香港青年協會總幹事何永昌、音樂會籌委會委員何麗全等嘉賓出席活動。他們感謝各位歌手及運動員的演出,同齡同心慈善基金和紀惠集團的慷慨支持,並藉著節日祝願所有媽媽開心健康。 在疫情下,龍傳基金於4月已展開《龍情顯愛心──關懷社區行動》,於不同地區向1,000多戶長者及家庭,派發防疫及衛生物資;而緊接舉行的《龍情顯母愛》網上直播音樂會旨在推動全球青年關愛親友,珍惜與家人的關係,正向面對疫境。 龍傳基金致力培育全球華裔青年成為明日領袖並建立聯繫網絡,秘書處由香港青年協會管理,網站為dragonfoundation.net。     重温《龍情顯母愛》網上直播音樂會
May 8, 2020

“Dragons Love Mom” Online Concert

This Sunday (May 10) is Mother’s Day. There are different ways that we can show our love to our mother, even though some may choose to stay at home. The Dragon Foundation is going to have the “Dragons Love Mom” online concert on Mother’s Day at Peak Galleria. During the event, different artists and athletes will spread the message of love by giving singing performances. Our guest performers include singers Lowell Lo, Joyce Cheng, “King of Busking” Judas Law, gymnast Angel Wong, karateka Jimmy Lee. They will also share their stories about how they spend time with their mom and […]