Latest Events

August 31, 2020

The Dragon Foundation x The HKFYG Organic Farm: “The Green Organic Herbs Workshop”

It may be safer to stay at home more during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this makes it more difficult for us to visit the nature. While combating COVID-19 together, you may be interested to join “The Green Organic Herbs Workshop” (綠色有機香草工作坊) co-organised by The Dragon Foundation and The HKFYG Organic Farm. The workshop will introduce different ways of growing herbs and different uses of herbs. It also includes an online DIY session to turn herbs into mosquito repellents! Date: 5 September 2020 (Saturday) Time: 15:00-16:30 Medium: Zoom (in Cantonese) Application:
June 19, 2020

“Dragons Love Dad” Online Event

As Father’s Day is approaching, we would like to invite Dragons to join an online gathering (20 June) about sharing the message of love and care with family members. It only takes around an hour (21:00-22:15) and you may participate the event at home! Reserve one hour of your time and feel free to invite your family members to join as well! Register in advance for the Zoom meeting:
May 13, 2020

“Dragons Love Mom” Online Concert Archive

The Dragon Foundation has the “Dragons Love Mom” online concert on Mother’s Day at Peak Galleria. During the event, Dragons, different artists and athletes will spread the message of love by giving singing performances. Our guest performers include singers Lowell Lo, Joyce Cheng, “King of Busking” Judas Law, gymnast Angel Wong, karateka Jimmy Lee. They share their stories about how they spend time with their mom and spread positivity to Chinese worldwide. The Dragon Foundation YouTube Channel (
May 8, 2020

“Dragons Love Mom” Online Concert

This Sunday (May 10) is Mother’s Day. There are different ways that we can show our love to our mother, even though some may choose to stay at home. The Dragon Foundation is going to have the “Dragons Love Mom” online concert on Mother’s Day at Peak Galleria. During the event, different artists and athletes will spread the message of love by giving singing performances. Our guest performers include singers Lowell Lo, Joyce Cheng, “King of Busking” Judas Law, gymnast Angel Wong, karateka Jimmy Lee. They will also share their stories about how they spend time with their mom and […]
April 22, 2020

Dragon 100 2020 has been cancelled

Due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus, to safeguard the health and safety of our participants and staff, Dragon 100 2020 has been cancelled.
January 12, 2020

Global Citizens Programme is now open for application!

The “Global Citizens Programme” is organised by The Dragon Foundation and is one of the major events of the Foundation. The programme recruits 30 undergraduates from higher education institutions in Hong Kong and offers them an opportunity to visit a foreign city. It is hoped that young people can see things from a global perspective and become a global citizen to contribute to the society. Previous visiting cities include New York, Bangkok, Geneva etc. It is the 20th anniversary of The Dragon Foundation and this year the delegation will travel to San Francisco, USA. The delegation will learn from technology […]
October 22, 2019

Hangzhou Innovation Technology Study Tour is open for application!

May 21, 2019

The Dragon 100 2019 is open for nomination

April 26, 2019


龍傳基金假觀瀾湖高爾夫球會東莞會所舉行第11屆高爾夫球慈善賽,支持華裔青年領袖發展。政商界、演藝界及高爾夫球好手齊集,競逐多項個人及隊際獎項。 主禮嘉賓包括行政會議非官守議員湯家驊, SC, 太平紳士、港區人大代表譚志源, GBS, 太平紳士,全國政協委員、觀瀾湖集團主席朱鼎健博士、觀瀾湖集團副主席兼高爾夫球賽籌備委員會主席朱鼎耀先生、高爾夫球賽籌委會副主席劉堃先生、龍傳基金主席黃嘉純律師, SBS, 太平紳士以及龍傳基金董事兼香港青年協會總幹事何永昌先生主持開球儀式,他們組成不同隊伍參賽。 賽制以雙貝利亞桿比桿賽進行。賽後,球手出席由大會舉辦的午宴及頒獎典禮,合共頒發27個獎項。觀瀾湖集團副主席朱鼎耀先生的「觀瀾湖隊」勇奪「隊際淨桿獎」冠軍;藝人李思雅小姐摘下「女子總桿獎」冠軍,而她與陳家揚、宋豪輝及林漪娸組成的團隊亦奪得「隊際淨桿獎」亞軍。 比賽由觀瀾湖高爾夫球會贊助場地;黃金贊助的工商機構包括嘉宏航運有限公司及Sugarfina;其他贊助機構及善心人士包括:正昌集團、富鑽集團、圓玄學院、東亞銀行等。 龍傳基金於2000年由香港青年協會、民政事務局和民政事務總署攜手成立,每年均會舉辦「龍匯100」及大型青年論壇,致力培育全球華裔青年成為明日領袖並建立聯繫網絡。而「傑出華人講座系列」讓本地青年有機會與來自世界各地的知名華裔專家、學者交流分享,嘉賓包括李寧、查良鏞、姚明、白先勇、楊振寧、郎朗、李雲迪及何大一等。龍傳基金秘書處由香港青年協會管理,網站為。 更多關於第11屆龍傳基金高爾夫球慈善賽的資料,請瀏覽: